Family at table Toasting With Juices
A healthy juice is the best companion to a family meal

The answer is, the one which not only makes you the healthier juices, but much more — like healthier smoothies, and healthier nut milks (like almond milk), all with low, or no sugar, and no additives! Thus contributing much more to your health!
For this, there are some all-important features you’ll want to look for in a juicer, and also some to avoid — the deal breakers — this regardless of brand, power…

We know that freshly squeezed, homemade juice is much healthier for you and your family than the shelf-stable stuff from the store, that’s for sure! Pasteurization kills the microorganisms responsible for spoilage, but unfortunately, it also kills most of the enzymes and vital nutrients you want to keep you healthy and in shape.

Not to mention, most commercial juices contain additives that are not so good for your health.
If you really want high-quality, healthy juices to drink at home, take to work, or send to your kids’ school, you’d better make them yourself.
And to do that, you’ll need a very good juicer.

That’s why choosing the right juicer for you is so important: there are big differences in the vitamin and mineral content of freshly squeezed juices, depending on the machine’s juicing method.
These can be divided into two main types:
1 – The centrifugal juicers, also known as fast juicers;
2 – The slow juicers, also known as masticating juicers.

So what’s the big question here? After all, both types of juicers make juice… don’t they?
You’re right to wonder, because each type of juicer has its pros and cons, and they produce juice in completely different ways.
A brief description of how they work, along with a table of their pros and cons below, will let us see which type is the healthiest juicer and why: this will give you the information you need to make your choice.

1 – The centrifugal juicers:

These are undoubtedly the faster kind. Once loaded with your ingredients, most of these juicers will make you a juice in the next few minutes.
However, the quick juicing process that follows is a nutritional downer.
The centrifugal juicer chops the pressed material with a flat blade into small pieces, and uses centrifugal force to spin the liquid, including vitamins, enzymes and minerals, out of the cell walls.

Unfortunately, the fruit is not only broken down into its components — water and pulp — but, due to the high revolutions (generally around 15,000 rpm, but with some models going as high as 25.000 rpm!) the juice is heated, and thus, heat-sensitive substances are destroyed.
These include vitamin C, among others.

But, how come your juice doesn’t come out hot, then?
The high temperature is caused by friction, and it happens where the most friction takes place: the super-tiny area of the cutting edges of the blades. The heat is then continuously dissipated into the rest of the surrounding materials, of both the machine and the food.

Also, such juicers swirl a lot of oxygen into the juice. As a result, oxidation quickly occurs. This, too, is at the expense of the healthy ingredients.
This can be seen very clearly in the fact that the juices turn brown after some time.

image of a Fast Juicer Blade
Typical Fast Juicer Blade

Therefore, these have a very short “freshness” life — you must drink them immediately.
And no, storage in the refrigerator for the next day is not advisable, because the taste quality quickly deteriorates, and after about 12 hours the juice starts tasting sour.

How about advantages?
As we’ve seen, they’re faster; they’re also cheaper; and generally they take less space. But, unfortunately, none of these have anything to do with our analysis here, which relates to how healthy the juicer is.

2 – The slow juicers (AKA masticating juicers)

The slow juicer is different: Here, the fruit (and /or vegetables, if it’s the case) are slowly, gently and relatively quietly, crushed and squeezed out by a press roller, or screw, at generally between 40 and 100 revolutions per minute.

The cell membranes of the pressed material are slightly torn, thus releasing the valuable plant substances as well as the healthy chlorophyll from green leafy vegetables and grasses (yes!).
Liquid and plant fibers are separated by a sieve.
The result of this slow squeeze is not only a visually more homogeneous juice, but also one that tastes worlds better, and contains all the important nutrients.

Example of slow juicer screw
Example of Slow Juicer Screw

Due to the low speed, the pressed material hardly comes into contact with oxygen, which means that the juice does not turn brown so quickly and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

The resulting “Slow Juice” is a natural concentrated load of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytochemicals and antioxidants contained in the fruits and vegetables processed his way.
Also, the juice yield from the same amount of fruit and vegetables is higher with the slow juicer than with the centrifugal juicer.

Their main disadvantages are:
• they’re more expensive;
• generally need more space;
• the whole process takes more time (preparing, juicing, cleaning).

What type of juicer is best for nutrition?
This will tell you which is the healthiest juicer

What is good for one person may not be good for another.
With the following table you’ll be able to clearly and quickly see their pros and cons:

How to use this table:
Use this table starting with what are the most IMPORTANT Characteristics or Features for you and your family: those will be the main pros and cons to consider for your particular case.
That’s why there are a few key questions you need to keep in mind when comparing kinds of machines.
I suggest you think about the following points, in order to choose the kind of machine that best suits your needs:

  1. How easy is it to use and clean?
  2. How much time do you have to prepare your juices?
  3. What is your budget?
  4. Do you want a machine that is quiet?
  5. Are the nutrients well preserved?
  6. How much space do you have to store your machine?
  7. Is the model compatible with the use of all types of fruits and vegetables?
  8. Do you just want it to makes juices, or other kinds of foods/drinks also?
  9. Does the product have a good warranty?

These are important considerations. For example, a centrifugal juicer can produce juice very quickly but it is also very noisy.
On the other hand, a slow juicer is more versatile, produces a better quality juice but is more expensive.

Find the best juicer for you with this table:

Characteristics/FeaturesCentrifugal JuicerSlow Masticating Juicer
Juice nutritional contentsLow to average; also contains a high amount of indigestible fiberVery high; also little to none indigestible fiber, due to more efficient pulp extraction
Juice yieldAverageHigh
Juice oxidationHigh – starts as soon as the machine starts juicingVery low
Juice durationThe juice won’t stay fresh for very long, separating in a matter of minutesJuices last much longer
Juices leafy greens and grassesThey don’t handle leafy greens or wheat-grass very wellYes – great for healthy smoothies
Juices nut milksNoYes
Processes grainsNoYes
Processes frozen fruitsNoYes
Good for making baby foodNoYes
Juice’s aromaAverageExcellent
Juice tasteAverage to goodExcellent
Produces foamYes, very noticeablyLittle to none
Counter space neededMost models stand upright, so they have a small footprintTake up more counter space & some models can be very bulky
Noise levelVery loud, if to use at night, some will wake your neighbors up!Low noise, most purr like a kitten.
Preparing timeQuickGenerally slow
Juicing timeQuickSlow
Cleaning timeGenerally quickGenerally slow
Price pointThey tend to be the least expensive juicers since they are cheaper to makeThey’re more expensive
Build qualityGenerally lowGenerally High
Warranty coverTends to be shorterTends to be longer
Best forThis kind of juicer is best for people on a budget who don’t need large batches of juice and want to drink their juice as soon as it is made.
It’s also for people who want to juice but want to do it with as little time and effort as possible.
They’re also generally simpler to operate and clean, making them good for beginners.
This juicer is ideal for the person who’s looking to maximize the nutrients of their juices and are willing to spend a little more time doing it.
The best choice if you want to make juices the day before, to take for work, school…
Also for those which want a more versatile machine: these can also be used to make smoothies, and even pasta.
Juicing Machines Comparison Table
Image of Juice from Fast Juicer

Centrifugal Juicer — juice breaks down quickly.
The juice contains solids either at the bottom or top of the glass, due to the separation of the juice and fiber components.

Image of Juice from Slow Juicer

Slow Masticating Juicer — juice retains its properties longer.
It has a higher nutrient content.
It has great homogeneity, and a smooth texture. Better for nutrient extraction.

(See our recommendation of juicer, please click here)

Vegetables — where the most good is!

Although fruit juices enjoy the most popularity, for health goals, like more energy, better metabolism and weight loss, the gold is in the vegetable juices (and smoothies)!
Fruit juices do provide vitamins and minerals, but they generally have high amounts of natural sugar in the form of fructose.
(High fruit juices can cause sudden spikes in your blood sugar levels and, therefore, diabetics should have them in moderation.)

A general suggestion for healthy juicing is to follow the 90/10 rule, which means 90% of your ingredients should be vegetables, and 10% should constitute of fruits to add natural sweetness and flavor to your drink.

Image of juices, fruits and legumes on a table
Vegetables are highly preferred to fruits, when your goal is healthy juices and smoothies.

Since some people may dislike eating their vegetables with their meals, a wholesome delicious juicing/smoothie can greatly help, with at least part of, their daily intake of veggies.
Where to start? Carrot juice, beetroot juice and spinach are all great options.

Here are a few tips for nutritional benefits from a healthy juicer, and more:

  • Since fruit juices alone may not be that healthy, you’ll need a juicing machine that’s great at juicing vegetables, specially green leafy ones — and those are the slow (masticating) juicers. Hence, they are the healthiest juicers.
  • Use organic ingredients where possible. Preferably always, this will give you more nutrients, and also fiber for you good gut bacteria!
  • For juicing, add the harder ingredients first then the softer ones. For example, apple followed by beetroot then carrot.
  • Keep your juicing ingredients separated from the rest of the food: this will make it easier, not only to find (makes things quicker), but also to control your stock — you’ll always have a rough idea of how many days your ingredients last (not so if people use them for snacks)!
  • If you really want a fruit based juice/smoothie, aim for no more than ⅓ of it to be fruit, as, otherwise, the sugar content will be very high, as we’ve seen above.
  • Drink your juice / smoothie within 2 hours of making it; many vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes will be lost if you leave it longer.
  • When using coconuts, go for fresh ones if you can — use a big cleaver to cut the top off, then make 4 cuts in a box shape on the top and lever the middle out.
  • Want a cold drink? Just add some ice into the machine as an ingredient! 🙂
  • Have fun and experiment with making your own smoothies and juices. They are certainly one of the main reasons why some people always feel energetic and vibrant!

What are the healthiest things to add into a juice or smoothie?

Please note: any substance, super-food or not, can have side effects, and or, not be recommended in certain situations (like pregnancy or breast-feeding). You should always talk to your doctor or health professional about anything you’re including in your diet.

These health-giving juicing machines can also make you really, really healthy smoothies: smoothies made with a cold press juicer (slow) have a better quality to start with; however, you are always limited by the ingredient’s own properties; meaning, if the smoothies’ components lack some nourishing items important for you, it doesn’t matter how many smoothies or drink, it will always lack them!
The best way to solve this is to add some real healthy stuff to your smoothies:

The healthiest things to put in your smoothie are not only those great nutrients ordinary smoothies lack, but also living bacteria — the good kind!
Lets see six of the healthiest ingredients you can add to your smoothies or juices for that extra health oomph:
The amounts to add depend on personal taste and preference, but we’ll give you a pointer to start with. Later, increase or decrease according to your own experience and taste.

1 – Coconut Oil — a healthy fat that is thermogenic (burns fat)!

glass pot of coconut oil
Coconut oil is still an underrated food by many

Coconut oil has some amazing health benefits such as increasing metabolism and endurance — which is great if you workout or are running after little ones all day.
Coconut oil, along with many other coconut products, has been a staple food for many peoples for thousands of years.
And, although coconut oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, it holds a wealth of extremely helpful properties for human health. Coconut oil is very easy to digest. It regulates blood lipid levels, has antimicrobial effects, and is also a good source of antioxidants.

Coconut oil is a rich source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of saturated fat. The MCTs may help reduce hunger, thus helping reduce food intake. A proportion of MCTs you eat are broken down in a process that produces molecules called ketones.
Ketones reduce appetite by either acting directly on the brain’s chemical messengers or altering the levels of hunger-inducing hormones, such as ghrelin.

Start by adding one table spoon at room temperature, bit by bit, so it mixes easily. If you find your oil solid, slowly warm it up in a water bath (bain marie).

2 – Probiotics — our friendly bacteria!

glass pot of probiotics
Probiotics, a greatest source of friendly bacteria

Probiotics help with rebuilding and maintaining your microbiome.
Start by adding 150 grams (around 5 Oz) of probiotic yoghurt. The rich yogurt thickens your smoothie and gives it a delicious, ultra-creamy finish.
You have other options, and it’s really a good idea to vary your sources of probiotics, because species diversity is important.

Another great option is kefir, (sometimes you can find it in a liquid version) that’s also packed with protein, vitamins, besides the beneficial probiotics for better gut health.

Even more options to add healthy probiotics:
Plant based:
soy, lupine or coconut yoghurt (make sure there is no added sugar!), water kefir, kombucha, fermented vegetables.
Animal: unsweetened plain yogurt (cow, sheep, goat), buttermilk, ayran and skyr.

3 – Ginger — the healthy super-tuber!

photo of ginger root on a table
Ginger, powerful in taste and in nutrition

Ginger should — if you, hopefully, like it — be mixed regularly into your smoothies.
Ginger gives energy, concentration and freshness. Thanks to its zinc, beta-carotene, vitamins B and C content, ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It also relieves nausea and some forms of pain.

It’s packed with goodness, including an essential oil, which contains, among other things, Zinigberen, Curcumen and beta-Eudesmol. The typical taste of ginger comes from healthy pungent substances such as gingerols and shogaols.

Besides digestive and circulatory stimulants, ginger contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus.
It can be used its original form, fresh (raw or cooked), taking care to peel it, or in powder.

Its taste is particularly strong, so it is better not to use too much: start with no more than a tea spoon.

4 – Barley grass — the green leafy super-food!

Foto of Barley Grass
Barley grass, so nutritious, deserves more recognition

Barley grass combines such a unique variety of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, secondary plant compounds and antioxidants, that it is hard to find a food that can even come close.
Barley grass also contains a highly active substance called proanthocyanidin. This is a secondary plant substance that works for our health at the cellular level.

Proanthocyanidins are antioxidants that can protect our cells from free radicals and toxins, and also support the cells of our immune system.
Proanthocyanidins are also known to have a particularly beneficial effect on skin and connective tissue.

In this way, barley grass reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases, of infections and also of cancer.

Quantity: Chop the grass into small pieces. Measure the grass this way to about ¼ cup of grass per serving. If you’re using powder, start with one tea spoon.

Pure goodness, selected by our friends, the bees

5 – Bee Pollen — natural secret for strong shiny hair, and balanced healthy skin!

photo of small bowel and spoon with bee pollen
Pure goodness, selected by our friends, the bees

Bee Pollen is an incredible source of protein, which has earned it the nickname “hive steak”.

It is also a source of vitamins (like Thiamine and Riboflavin — which contribute to a normal energy metabolism and the normal functioning of the nervous system), fiber and minerals (like Selenium — which contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system).

It is a remarkable nutritional supplement ideal as a complement to Royal Jelly.
Finally, it is an antioxidant and acts as a probiotic, protecting the intestinal flora.
Its many other properties vary depending on the flower from which it is derived.

It is considered by nutritionists as a “super food”.
The right dose? A large tablespoon per day, pure.

The “humble” moringa has great properties

6 – Moringa — probably the most nutrient-dense super-food!

photo of moringa leaves on a table
The “humble” moringa has great properties

Moringa contains many antioxidants, amino acids (about 18 different ones), iron, magnesium and calcium.
It also offers lots of vitamins A, C, B1 and B6. Moringa has many health benefits, but two in particular interest us right now: it prevents fatigue — many of us feel both physically and mentally exhausted due to the current situation — and it helps with weight loss.

Moringa is also said to help with weight loss, as it is satiating, and prevents cravings for sweets.
Studies confirm that moringa regulates blood sugar levels (it is believed to contain compounds such as isothiocyanates), which helps us maintain a good hormonal environment to be able to reduce weight, accompanied by proper nutrition.

What do I have to consider for healthy juices and smoothies?

Summing it up and simplifying as much as possible, the following things are important for a good and healthy juice or smoothie:

  1. Vegetable juices are better than fruit juices (rich in phytonutrients, low on sugar).
  2. Homemade is usually better than store-bought.
  3. Protect the juice from heat, light and oxygen.
  4. Add nutrition.

If you follow these simple four basic rules, you will maximize the health aspects of your juicing!

FREE Healthy Juicing Tips pdf Bright Ideas:

FREE Cheat Sheet for healthy juicing:

(See our recommendation of juicer, please click here)


Is juicing more healthy than eating whole fruits and vegetables?

Juicing is not healthier than eating whole fruits and vegetables. Juicing extracts the juice from fresh fruits or vegetables, which contains most of the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found in the fruit. However, whole fruits and vegetables also contain healthy fiber, which is lost in most juices.
Some believe that juicing is better than eating whole fruits and vegetables because your body can absorb the nutrients better and it gives your digestive system a break from digesting fiber. However, there’s no scientific evidence that extracted juices are healthier than the juice you get from eating the fruit or vegetable itself.
Juicing makes it more delicious, convenient, and versatile.

What is the difference between juicing and blending?

When juicing, the machine extracts the juice (which is the water and most of the nutrients in the produce) and leaves the pulp. With blending, there is no extraction process and the entire fruit or vegetable is blended together, including the pulp and fiber. Blending creates a thicker, more satisfying drink that retains all of the fiber of the produce; some nutrients, however, as we’ve seen above, are lost due to heat.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of juicing?

In moderation, juicing can be a healthy option. Juice is packed with healthy vitamins and nutrients, but it can also be high in sugar and lacks fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Juicing can be a way to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, but it should not be used as a substitute for whole fruits and vegetables. Always talk to your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet, especially if you have diabetes or other chronic health conditions.

What are some of the health benefits of juicing?

Juice contains several active ingredients that can improve your health, including antioxidants, antimicrobial properties that fight germs, and immune system support. Juicing can also be a way to detox or add more nutrients to your diet.

Can juicing help me lose weight?

Juicing can help with weight loss in the short term because it can be a way to reduce your caloric intake. However, it’s important to remember that juicing is not a sustainable weight loss solution and should not be used as a substitute for a healthy, balanced diet.

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